We need your help to urge our Congressmen to push the federal Bureau of Reclamation to approve its review for the Brown's Ravine Trail at Folsom Lake. This approval will allow long-awaited trail improvements to move forward, creating a critical 10-mile link for cyclists between Folsom and the Sweetwater Trail. This connection is vital for expanding access to local trail networks, reducing road traffic, and enhancing recreational opportunities for the community.
State Parks does the vast majority of work for trail projects at Folsom Lake; the Bureau is the landowner, but it’s approval for Parks’ approved projects should be routine. State Parks provided necessary documents for this approval in July of 2022, and provided additional documentation in March of 2023. Under no circumstances should the Bureau’s approval take more than a year. It’s now been more than two years. The review is now long overdue, and it's time to hold the Bureau accountable for completing their work.
The Bureau must respond to your elected representatives in Congress, who create and approve the Bureau’s budget. Your signature will help us show them that we have strong community support, so they can apply the pressure to move this project forward. ​​​
Sign The Letter of Support
Ride Here and Live Outside The District?
Sign The Public Petition
Thank You for Supporting this Important Initiative!

Browns Ravine Change In Use Timeline
June 2000
June 2000-June 2002
June 2002
July 2014
March 2015 - May 2015
October 2021
2021 - 2022
November 19, 2021 - February 28, 2022
January 12, 2022
January 2022 - February 2022
April 2022
June 17, 2022
July 2022
March 2023
Present Day
Browns Ravine Change-In-Use (CIU) Evaluation as a Pilot Project
State Parks trail specialists group conducted on-the-ground assessments
Pilot Project Postponed
Browns Ravine Trail CIU Requested
CIU Evaluation Was Initiated
CA State Parks notified the public of CIU
Trail Modifications Identified and Reviewed
Public Comment Period
Virtual Public Meeting Held
Public Comments on CIU Proposal Accepted
Trail Modifications Finalized, Environmental Review Completed
CEQA Notice of Determination Filed/CEQA Completed
Bureau Of Reclamation Received CA State Parks CEQA
CA State Parks Sent Bureau Of Reclamation Additional Requested Details on Trail Modifications
CA State Parks Awaiting Approval from
Bureau Of Reclamation
Current Project Status
California State Parks has been awaiting the completion of the NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) approval from the Bureau of Reclamation since March 2023. Reclamation has completed the cultural review and is currently working on a biological assessment (BA) for consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. As of September 2024, the BA is still in progress, with no specific estimate for when it will be completed. Once the BA is submitted, the consultation may take an additional 60 days.
Once NEPA approval is granted, California State Parks will begin implementing trail modifications, which include several reroutes, the construction of five trail bridges, boardwalks, turnpikes, and drainage crossings. Some modifications, such as those involving soil, require appropriate moisture conditions, while bridge construction may need to wait for the dry season due to nesting restrictions. After NEPA is finalized, California State Parks will develop a project construction timeline to complete the trail modifications.
For more information on the project’s history and proposed trail modifications, refer to the link below.